Alumni Spotlight

cory epler picture

Name: Cory Epler

Current Title: Partner

Organization: The New Teacher Project (TNTP)

Major: B.S. Agricultural Education (2001), M.S. Secondary Education (2003), Ph.D. Agricultural and Extension Education (2011, Virginia Tech)

K-State College of Ag is proud to recognize alumni from all departments who continue to pursue their passion in their respective fields. It is through experience that we continue to grow as individuals and stewards of the industry. Through those experiences, we hope to be a continued resource for the next generation of K-State students to lean on for advice and continue to build our network!

What is your current title/organization?

I'm currently a partner at TNTP, or formerly known as The New Teacher Project. TNTP is a national nonprofit organization that supports public education across the country.

I primarily work with local school districts or state education agencies, specifically as they're working to improve outcomes for students, mainly through improving classroom instruction, implementing high-quality instructional materials or thinking about policies that help teachers do their job better and ultimately lead to greater student learning and success.

What groups were you involved with at Kansas State University, and how did that prepare you for your career?

I was involved in the Agricultual Education Club and as a College of Agriculture Ambassador; both were a great experience. I also was involved in some university-wide organizations. I was a member of the Student Alumni Board, and my senior year, I was a member of Blue Key.

I cherish my College of Ag experience in organizations, but branching into some of those university-wide organizations was really formative for me because it allowed me to meet people outside of the college and get to know people that I may not have met otherwise.

What value have you found you’ve gained as a graduate of the K-State College of Agriculture?

K-State College of Ag has such a strong national reputation and I think that's something that's been helpful and really important. No matter what degree you're getting in agriculture when folks hear you went to K-State, it comes with a level of credibility.

The other thing that really pops to mind is the support system that the College of Ag has created for students. They really seek to support students in their personal growth. I always felt like someone had my back and folks in the College of Ag genuinely cared. I didn't feel like I was just a number; I felt like the faculty knew who I was and I could talk to the administration. I think that's what sets the College of Ag apart, is its reputation and the personalization that comes from being there.

What advice would you give to current students in the College of Agriculture at K-State?

Give yourself a little bit of grace. You don't have to have it all figured out. Let life play out a bit. The path you think you might take might not be the one you go down, and that's okay.

You've also got to get involved beyond just surface-level involvement. Joining a club and showing up is great, but participating in leadership roles sets you apart. Put yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable. For example, the all-university career fair can be intimidating, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you become. Internships are also valuable; they help you figure out what you want to do and what you don’t.


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